Little Rubies Home school is a dynamic setting with an inclusive ethos which ensures a warm, caring stimulating and overall enabling environment where EVERY CHILD MATTERS. It is a home from home quality learning environment which fosters effective teaching and learning for every child. Our belief is that every child is unique and possesses great gifts which need to be nurtured in the right environment, thus we offer a stimulating environment with quality learning and teaching resources to enable every child reach their full potential and embed lifelong LEARNING THROUGH PLAY. We are a dynamic school with an inclusive ethos which ensures consistent high expectations for all.
We offer a safe and nurturing environment with a team of Passionate, warm and intuitive practitioners with high expectations for all. Our practitioners believe in every child and are able to tune into individual children’s learning and developmental stages, learning styles and abilities, and are skilled in providing a holistic teaching approach to ensure that all children achieve and progress.
Our nursery school prides itself in offering A blend of different international curricula approaches based on first hand in-depth knowledge and experience, particularly the British Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) and Birth to Five Matters, with aspects of the Italian Reggio Emelia, High scope, Montessori, Icelandic and Swedish learning styles.
Provide a high quality, engaging and challenging curriculum based on the EYFS and first hand experience of different quality Early Years curricula, whilst taking account of children’s own interests and using these to ignite a passion for learning.
Enable children to become independent learners who value learning with and from others, by giving them time to reflect, practice and learn with no sense of failure
Provide safe, secure and stimulating environments where children are valued as individuals
Foster high levels of independence, curiosity, creativity and resilience
Provide respectful, trusting and effective relationships which display emotional warmth.
Create an environment where differences and similarities are acknowledged, valued and celebrated.
We at Little Rubies Home School are fully committed to giving all our children access to high quality early years education, recognising the importance of laying a firm foundation for later learning. Our aim is to provide a rich and relevant curriculum through play. We are dedicated to inclusion and our strength lies in responding to children’s diverse learning needs. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation which hinder or exclude children.
We understand that children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities may require different levels of adult support to access the curriculum and make progress. Where appropriate we provide additional input through targeted support may.
Children’s learning journeys reflect individual needs and priorities for further development, taking in a holistic view of the child. Parents/Carers collaborate with their child’s key practitioner to identify next steps which should be focused on at home as well as nursery.
Our belief is that the achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter. We provide suitable learning challenges for each child based on our knowledge of their interests, learning styles and schematic play. All of our children’s progress is assessed against the Early Years Foundation stage to ensure a consistent approach. Our wish is to see all children reach their full potential through tailored learning approaches which take account of their varied life experiences and needs.
We promote individuality and celebrate the achievements of all our children irrespective of age, ethnicity, disability, gender or background. Our setting understands that children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities are some of our most vulnerable children and that sensitive consideration is required with these individuals as well as their parents/carers who may be coming to terms with their child’s emerging difficulties or diagnosis . We recognise the importance of transition and embrace a child-centred approach in collaboration with receiving schools, facilitating children’s success.